“Got a feeling inside (can’t explain). It’s a certain kind (can’t explain)”
“I’m goin’ way down south, way down where I can be free!”
“Ignore cordon bleu, stand up, get up. Lunge for your knife, don’t forget your potholders”
“‘Cause a month on the road and I’ll be eating from your hand”
“This is a platter of, this makes an, an exceptionally good late night’s snack.”
“He may not have a clue and he may not have style, but everything he lacks well he makes up in denial.”
“Well, I’ve seen ’em on the TV, the movie show”
“But you oughta thank me before I die for the gravel in your gut and the spit in the eye, ’cause I’m the (bleep) that…
“Here’s something, here’s something you’re never gonna fff-forget, baby”